Merchandise Vendor Registration

Application DEADLINE: 

Applications and Deadlines:  Merchandise Vendor applications can be received up to August 1, 2024.

 If you are unable to pay for your registration by credit card you can select the "Pre-Registration" option in the Billing section which will calculate your total and you can submit payment via means other than credit card. However, payment must be received within 7 days or your application will be subject to cancelation.

Merchandise Vendor Selection

  • Merchandise or Craft Vendor 10’ Wide x 10' Deep Space*


Please Note: All spots are 10’ WIDE,  If a custom width is required,  please contact us at [email protected] Vendor placement is based on this dimension and if prior arraignments are not made we can not guarantee placement day of the event.


Merchandise Vendor Booth Information

*Please note, we will do our best to accommodate location requests; however, we reserve the right to move booths as needed and no Merchandise Vendor is guaranteed any specific location or spot.  We want the Games to be a successful event for all involved, as Prescott Highland Games and Celtic Fair, continues to grow, so does our vendor areas. Thank you for your understanding.

Trash and Booth Clean-Up

Let's work together to keep the grounds clean please.

Please help us keep the grounds clean and leave your spot clean after the festival. Vendors are responsible for cleaning up trash in and around booth location. Vendors are also responsible for bringing their own trash cans and trash bags and disposing of their trash. Dumpsters are available to empty trash throughout the weekend. Please do not empty trash into the field trash cans at any point, including at the end of the event.

If your space is not cleaned after your departure or you are found to be using a field bin at your space or emptying your trash into a field bin, you will be billed a cleaning fee. You will be unable to register for future events until the cleaning fee is paid in full.
Let's work together to keep the grounds clean please.

Insurance, Licenses, Permits and Additional Requirments

ALL MERCHANDISE VENDORS are required to provide insurance.  Insurance requirements are as follows:  1,000,000 in Combined Single Limit Commercial General Liability insurance coverage and $1,000,000 Personal Injury Limit of Liability per Occurrence insurance coverage.  includes $1,000,000 in Combined Single Limit Commercial General Liability insurance and $1,000,000 in Products Liability insurance

The Prescott Area Celtic Society/Prescott Highland Games & Celtic Faire and the City of Prescott, must be listed as additional insured for all forms of insurance. A copy of the vendor’s insurance certificate MUST be submitted upon approval.   

 Please ensure that all licenses and permits are posted or available upon request, as the applicable authorities will perform inspections to confirm that you have obtained the proper licenses and permits.  

 All vendors are required to have appropriate fire extinguishers available at their booth(s). The fire department will be checking to ensure all appropriate fire extinguishers are on site.  If a booth is inspected and the appropriate fire extinguisher(s) is not on site, the fire department can close the vendor.

For your convenience, links to all License and Permit applications are available on the Prescott Area Celtic Society Website.  

1. The Merchandise Vendor named in this contract hereby agrees for itself, its employees, successors and assignees, to indemnify and hold harmless the Prescott Area Celtic Society, and The City of Prescott, from all claims, suits or any other action for personal injuries, including death, and damages to property, real or personal, caused by the Vendor, and/or acts or omissions of the Prescott Area Celtic Society, arising out of Vendor’s involvement in the Prescott Highland Games & Celtic Faire, and from all judgments and costs incurred in relation to said claims and suits; and, from all expenses incurred in defending said claims or suits. Vendor hereby releases the Prescott Area Celtic Society, The City of Prescott, all Sponsors and Officials, including their agents and employees, from liability, from any claim it might otherwise have for participating in the Prescott Highland Games and Celtic Faire, including but not limited to, any claim for personal injury or physical impairment or other claim of any type, arising out of participation or involvement in this event. Merchandise Vendor also agrees to indemnify and hold harmless those released above from any such claims, damages, losses and expenses, including attorney's fees, and all court costs.
2. The Merchandise Vendor further acknowledges that all SAFETY and SITE RULES must be adhered to. Safety Rules and Regulations (copy available to registered applicants), if applicable, apply to all individuals or organizations participating in the Prescott Highland Games & Celtic Faire. Safety Rules and Regulations include, but are not limited to, the following:
2.A. NO firearms or drugs are permitted on City property. Firearms for historic reenactment groups are exempt only with written permission from The City of Prescott, obtained by the Games Committee.
2.B. NO vehicles other than permitted carts and vehicles, without written permission from Games Committee are allowed on any field, before, during or after the event, with the following exceptions, which are applicable ONLY during Friday set-up and Sunday tear-down periods. More information about set up day, parking & load-in will be available at our Information booth upon check in.
2.C. If you hire employees from a temp agency, you must meet them at the gate or give them their passes ahead of time. Please make sure they know the name of the vendor and where to report.
Should you have any questions, need additional information or have an emergency at the Games, please call our cell phone, (928) 642-0020, and we will do our best to assist you.
Please travel safely and we look forward to seeing all of you very soon!

I have read and understand the terms and conditions set forth in the Merchandise Vendor Information and Application Forms. I fully understand that my submission of this form with payment does not constitute a contract, nor does it imply acceptance of my application. I understand that submission of my application is intended solely for purposes of review. Furthermore, I agree to hold any and all persons and/or entities associated with the event, Prescott Highland Games & Celtic Faire, The City of Prescott, including, but not exclusive of, those parties hosting, sponsoring, and participating in the event to be free and clear of any claims of discrimination, injury, loss, or damages incurred as a result of the application process and/or my participation in the event. I certify that I am in possession of any and all licenses and/or insurance applicable to my participation at the event.


Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
RegFox Event Registration Software